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Docker is a tool that provides containerisation.

When you run an application in Docker, you are running your application in a container.

Why oh why?

Docker adds an additional layer of complexity into your workflow. So, why oh why do we bother?

Let me tell you a story…

Hands on Docker.

We will be using Docker in conjunction with Docker Compose.

Some useful links:

CoW (Copy-on-Write) all the way down.

Docker images package up a full Linux distribution as part of the container image.

What this means is that we can build a Docker image for our application and base that image on Ubuntu (which is roughly 300 megabytes). This gives us the ability to build our application around Ubuntu’s packages and particular quirks.

Docker uses a Copy-on-Write (CoW) file system to build a series of layers, in order to save space.

Let’s examine a full example to find out how that works…

Alpine Dockerfile

Alpine Linux is a lightweight distribution (about 30MB), which is a popular choice for applications run inside containers (to save space).

Take a look at an Alpine Linux Dockerfile here.

You will notice it specifies FROM scratch as the parent Docker image, which you can read more about here.

  • Why do you think Alpine specifies FROM scratch?

It then ADD’s the full file system, which is the full Alpine linux operating system that has been compiled outside of Docker.

After that, it sets the default CMD to sh so that you get a shell interface by default when you access containers built with this Docker image.

Ruby Dockerfile

Here is a Dockerfile for Ruby built ontop of Alpine.

(NB: The link above was the latest version of Ruby on the latest version of Alpine at the time of writing, but you should check here for the most up to date version - search for Alpine on that page.)

You will notice it specifies FROM alpine:3.12 as the parent Docker image, which we just saw (although again, you want to check for the latest version).

Docker will automatically pull down that alpine:3.12 image from Docker Hub, and then pull down the ruby:alpine3.12 layer from Docker Hub.

Once it has done so, it can then reconstruct the full filesystem to be able to create containers based off the ruby:alpine3.12 image.

You can find the Ruby Docker image here.

Ok, ok, but what does CoW mean?

When the Ruby Docker image is built, it makes changes to the filesystem. It copies files related to Ruby.

It could also make changes to files that were created by the Alpine Dockerfile.

What Docker does is it creates a lightweight layer that contains only the changes made by each consecutive Dockerfile.

In practice, if you build the Ruby Docker image yourself, it will first pull down a prebuilt Alpine image and layer Ruby on top.

Multiple images can be layered ontop of Alpine - you can have python:alpine3.12 and ruby:alpine3.12 and they will both share the same Alpine image on your disk.

This not only saves disk space, but it means that you don’t have to rebuild Alpine or Ruby every time you build your own Dockerfile(s).

  • If I run a container using ruby:alpine3.12 and I then run python:alpine3.12, how much total disk space will be used?


As we’ve seen, Dockerfiles are used to specify the contents of a single Docker image, which can be used to create a container.

A typical Dockerfile will look something like this:

FROM ruby:2.7.2-alpine3.12

COPY Gemfile ./
COPY Gemfile.lock ./
RUN bundle install


ADD . /app

CMD ["/app/bin/"]
  • What is a Dockerfile used for?

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is used to link multiple containers together to create useful units of work.

For example, if you wanted to run a web application, using a local Dockerfile linked to a local PostgreSQL container…

A typical docker-compose.yml file will look something like this:

version: '3'
    image: postgres:11-alpine
      POSTGRES_USER: tutorial
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: secretpassword
      POSTGRES_DB: tutorial_one
    build: .
      - postgres
      - ./:/app
      - "4567:4567"
    privileged: true
      DB_URL: postgresql://tutorial:secretpassword@postgres/tutorial_one
      POSTGRES_USER: tutorial
      POSTGRES_HOST: postgres
      POSTGRES_PORT: 5432
      POSTGRES_DB: tutorial_one
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: secretpassword

You can then execute commands inside the container like this:

docker-compose build #build all images
docker-compose run --rm --service-ports web bundle exec rspec
  • What does --rm do?
  • What does --service-ports do?
  • Research what docker-compose up does.
  • Research what docker-compose down does.

Add Docker to a Ruby project

(If you want you can skip to the .Net step below, depending on which technology you are most interested in.)

  • Follow the tutorial here to create a dockerised Ruby Sinatra app.

Add Docker to a .Net project

Note: Even if you are more interested in dockerising a .Net web app than a console app, it’s still worth following the first tutorial below because it has a lot of useful extra information about Docker in general.

  • Follow the tutorial here to create a dockerised .Net Core console app.
  • Follow the tutorial here to create a dockerised ASP.Net web app.

Do More With Docker

  • Follow the “Getting started” part of the instructions here to deploy a pre-made container to Heroku
  • So far you have used the commands docker run, docker build, docker login and docker push. Now use the reference here to help you explore the following commands:
    • docker ps
    • docker ps -a
    • docker exec
    • docker stop
    • docker kill
    • docker commit
    • docker images
    • docker rm
    • docker rmi
  • CHALLENGE 1: Deploy the dockerised project you made before (.Net or Sinatra Ruby) to Heroku.
    • Hint: You need to make changes to the way ports are handled in Dockerfile, because Heroku does not support the EXPOSE command:
  • CHALLENGE 2: Add Docker to a pre-existing existing project of your own, and deploy to the web in a Docker container.