You probably have already done some refactoring as part of code katas.
Refactoring, like TDD, is a disciplined skill with rules.
- Refactoring leaves the external behaviour of code the same.
- Good tests[1] are essential to refactoring. Disciplined TDD is a great way to have a reliable test suite.
- We refactor by applying small changes to our code (a single refactoring) from a catalog of refactorings, or by generalising code e.g. turning duplicated if statements into a loop
- Your tests should be passing before and after each refactoring or generalisation.
- By performing multiple refactorings in a row it is possible to significantly change the structure of your code.
A Single Refactoring: what is a small change?
Small reversible operations. They should have a name, with a clearly defined before and after state.
When mobbing or pairing it’s useful to be able to immediately describe a refactoring.
Generalising code: I can’t find it in the catalog!
While in the blue phase (refactoring step) we should look for appropriate generalisations to make.
A good rule of thumb is the RuleOfThree - if you see the same thing duplicated three times, create a more general solution.
Generalising code is part of refactoring. However, they do not result in like-for-like behaviour, so you will not find them in the catalog.
The process
Here is the process for performing the Extract Method refactoring, which is a single refactoring that you can find in the catalog of refactorings.
- Run your tests. Do they pass? If they don’t you need to solve that first.
- Apply the refactoring
class PayslipPrinter
def print(payslip)
puts "======================"
puts "Owed #{payslip.total_owed}."
puts "Total Deducted #{payslip.total_deducted}"
. ;.
class PayslipPrinter
def print(payslip)
puts "======================"
print_totals(payslip.total_owed, payslip.total_deducted)
def print_totals(total_owed, total_deducted)
puts "Owed #{total_owed}."
puts "Total Deducted #{total_deducted}"
- Run your tests. Do they pass? If they don’t, you’ve incorrectly performed your refactoring.
Stop and understand
- Why do we run the tests before and afterwards?
- Why not make lots of changes in one go?
To Do
Using the Yatzy Refactoring Kata by Emily Bache, practice applying refactorings from the catalog of refactorings.
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