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Git Tutorial

Writing code is collaborative and requires large amounts of editing sometimes at a blistering pace, naturally a number of problems arise as a result of this and for those problems we have source control.

Git is a program that provides source control originally written Linus Torvalds to replace the controversial use of BitKeeper in the development of Linux. Other than Git, you may also encounter Subversion on occasion.

To Do

  1. Work through Learn Enough Git to Be Dangerous
  2. If you get to the end of the Learn Enough tutorial (you might not - that’s fine), you can test what you’ve learnt by working through the exercises below

Stop and Understand

What is the purpose of source control?

How does Git differ from other source control tools?

Explain the Git tree visually

Draw a Git tree that has 8 commits, where a branch was created off of the second commit and merged back in after 3 further commits.

Explain what the difference between git pull and git fetch is

Draw and explain how git merge works compared to git rebase


1.0 Initialising a new Git repository

Create a new directory

Create a new Git repository

Add a file with the text “Hello” from the command line

Add this file and commit it using Git

1.1 “Pushing” to GitHub

Create a new repository on GitHub

Setup your local repository to have a new remote

Push your code to GitHub

1.2 Working with changes

Open the file in your text editor and make some changes to it

Stash these changes

Unstash them and commit them

Reset to the first commit you made using the --hard flag

Recover the previous commit using reflog

1.3 Branching

Create a new branch and switch to it

Add and commit a new file with your name in it

Switch back to the master branch and merge your branch in

Delete your merged branch

1.4 Aliases

Add the following alias:

git config --global alias.l "log

Compare git log and your new alias git l

1.5 Diffs

Make changes to both files

Using git diff identify your changes

Add one of the files but do not commit it

Compare git diff to git diff --staged
