Improving software delivery in every organisation

Web Application Development with React

React is a web framework we make use of here at Made Tech. By the end of this course you should be able to:

  1. Describe situations where you should/shouldn’t decide to use React for a project
  2. Setup a React project from scratch in a repeatable way
  3. Describe the different parts of the Javascript ecosystem (e.g. NPM, Webpack, etc)
  4. Demonstrate using TDD on business logic within a React code base
  5. Demonstrate strategies to achieve clear separation of business logic and display logic with React components
  6. Demonstrate applying sensible styling to React components
  7. Demonstrate strategies and tools to run tests against an API within a React application

Assessment Style

This core skill assessment is split into two parts. The first of which being an application which will be written during Learn Tech and brought along with you, and the second being questions to test your understanding of React.

Each section of the mark scheme will be separated into their respective categories.

Example answers for the questions can be found on the hidden marking guide; however, we do not require exact matches. It is up to the assessor to determine whether or not the candidate has adequately answered the question.

The Application

Build an app which communicates with an API, either one you write yourself or an external one (you don’t need to implement the API) or one that already exists, see:

Mark Scheme

Hedgehog Hedgehog

Learning the fundamentals - How not to hurt yourself with React


The candidate has:

  • A make recipe for serve, which runs the application in development mode
  • A make recipe for test, which runs the tests for the application
  • A sandbox environment which allows them to quickly prototype components
  • The ability to hot-reload based on changes
  • A failing test that appears when running make test


The candidate can describe:

  • Situations where React would be beneficial
  • What React components are
  • The difference between a functional and class component
  • What component props are
  • What component state is
  • What props.children refers to
  • How React allows you to respond to user events
  • One approach to styling react components
  • What causes a component to rerender
  • A lifecycle method that you can hook into and perform actions on
  • What methods might you use in a functional component to hook into the component lifecycle
  • How to manage state shared between multiple components, avoiding passing state between many components
Fox Fox

Getting crafty with React - Creating some components for your users

For this level you will be expected to bring along with you an application which contains a set of components which meet the marking criteria.

During the assessment, the reviewer will go through your application with you, asking for demonstrations of the criteria, and ask some follow up questions.

Application - Mark scheme

  • The candidate has created an application which contains a component:
    • That makes use of the key prop
    • Which makes use of a function passed in as a prop
    • Which renders differently based on state
    • Without any state
    • Which changes state in response to an onClick event
    • Which makes use of useState() within a functional component
    • Which overloads life cycle methods within a class component
    • Which has been styled without the use of global styles
    • A component which renders differently based on the following prop types being passed in:
      • A boolean
      • A string
      • The children prop

Understanding - Mark scheme

The candidate can describe:

  • What the key prop is used for
  • The difference between state in functional components versus class components
Owl Owl

Getting wise with React - Integrating with remote services

For this level you are expected to demonstrate the ability to test both your React components and any business logic used for communicating with remote services. It will also cover demonstrating best practice around the separation of business logic and UI logic.

During the assessment, your reviewer will go through your application asking for demonstrations of the criteria.

Application - Mark scheme

The candidate should create a React application which satisfies the following.

  • Has a component which displays data to the user which has been fetched from an API
    • Candidate should showcase their component to assessor.
    • Candidate should walk assessor through tests which give maintainers confidence that the component displays data from an API.
    • This should be a functional component
  • Has a form component which takes information from the user and submits said information to an API.
    • Showcase the form component to the assessor.
    • On form submission the browser should send JSON to the API endpoint.
    • Walk the assessor through tests that give maintainers confidence that the component submits the data to the API.
  • There should be a JS layer of indirection between the components and the API
    • Showcase standalone code which makes HTTP API requests, and tests which cover this.
    • Showcase tests which prove minimal coupling between the component and API interface.
  • Component tests should have minimal coupling to the markup they render.
    • Candidate should showcase their use of test specific html attributes in the test suite to achieve this.